Mink***.com在世界的排名是根据三个月Alexa的流量排名#169433。该网站是在德州(它的排名是第64号)的城市用户中比较受欢迎的。虽然排名是#15937在中国,我们估计,85%的游客是位于的,也很受欢迎,在澳门,它的排名是#587。 :Q为什么 澳门 最高??? 587位... *** 是什么 :lol你猜... 免得说我广告有把我封了怕怕 没看懂啥排名。。。 悲剧 85% 澳门访问的? 貂狗 不懂 yc014tTiger.im is ranked #1,389,292 in the world according to the three-month Alexa traffic rankings. The site has attained a traffic rank of 96,471 among users in China, where about 92% of its audience is located, and visitors to the site view an average of 1.2 unique pages per day. :Qyc002t :lol不懂