7000个etn 差距700多元
纠结一个小时 7000个挖了多久,大哥你这么发,MJJ又要开动了,感觉难度要翻倍,收益要锐减了。哎 要卖直接卖, 别想太多 suantong 发表于 2018-1-20 14:00
要卖直接卖, 别想太多
越想越纠结,主要是C网交易量太小,etc和bch卖家和买家差距很大 tamicrealo 发表于 2018-1-20 13:59
7000个挖了多久,大哥你这么发,MJJ又要开动了,感觉难度要翻倍,收益要锐减了。哎 ...
挖了很多天了,收益锐减了已经 今天:
ETN手机挖矿测试开始 huangfight 发表于 2018-1-20 14:32
是提交审核吧 huangfight 发表于 2018-1-20 14:32
一波暴涨要来临了… 楼上大佬都有嫩模 hujiamin 发表于 2018-1-20 14:40
Hi Everyone,
We are happy to announce that Electroneum will soon be listed on the exchange HitBTC.
We have listened to our community and recognised that more exchanges are necessary as we continue to grow and aim become the first cryptocurrency to achieve real-world mass adoption.
Since launching at the end of 2017 we have sent shockwaves through the cryptocurrency world by quickly gaining 750,000 users, reaching a c.$700m market cap and giving it’s 120,000 initial contributors up to 2200% returns. Over $513m of ETN has been traded despite only listing on one exchange until now and being live for just over 2 months.
Our strategy is markedly different from other cryptocurrencies. We have developed a unique mobile mining app, which will allow the coin to become accessible to people all over the world. Users in developing countries can earn ETN by running the app in the background. This airdrop of coins will then be acceptable as payment for their phone data and more. Furthermore, the app will soon feature an easy PayPal-style payment gateway, allowing vendors to accept Electroneum at the touch of a button.
With the likes of Xius and Effortel, we have partnerships agreed with multinational telecoms corporations in the developing world to make all this a reality, with more expected in the coming weeks. This strategy enables Electroneum to make cryptocurrency available to tens of millions of new users, making it the first truly mass adopted cryptocurrency.
For you, our community, these developments are made all the more exciting by our listing on HitBTC, where you will have another platform to buy and sell coins.
You have inspired us with your belief in Electroneum and we’re excited to be able to reward your patience. HitBTC is the perfect exchange for us because the team behind it mirror our passion for pushing cryptocurrency to the next level.
Integration is underway and we will keep you up to date with this and more exchanges in the coming weeks.
Have a good weekend.
Richard Ells