It's bad to say, but unfortunately if you don't invest on your project you can't make money with an images hosting website. I'm in your own situation, with more than 600,000 images on the server BUT currently no $$ from Ads.
I tried different Ads comany, but unfortunately I had no one with the ability to repay the hosting. So if you want to use this script for "money" and not for personal use , I think he is not good . "Or do you have funds to invest , or your project dies".
My situation was that:
1 - Noone use my imageshosting . :<
2 - Oh! Some users starting using my hosting, uploaded 10 images in one day WOW!
3 - Oh yea finally 2,000 impressions in one day !
4 - 1000 images hosted in one day ? amazing
5 - bilion of hits, 5 TB bandwitdh in one day . OH SHIT! My website is gone offline.
6 - Cloudflare : " Sorry but you are consuming lot of bandwitdh for our server , please pay us $ 1000 to continue the service" .
7 - Hosting: "Sorry but your server is gone offline cause of hight load , please upgrade your machine with this new one to continue the service."
Conclusion : If you use Chevereto (or any other images hosting script) for your little community , i think it's amazing . But if you try to create something "decent" (not BIG) to do some moneys with ADS i think this is not the best solution.
My website is online from more the 4 years (2 years using my personal images hosting script) and i didn't see 1 $ from this website.
I got other project the luckly are going fine so i want to continue to see where this project of images hosting will end.
I'm sorry for your decision and i understand you.
Cheers :) roppl 发表于 2018-5-11 23:44
黑心一点,等到后期 所有图片全部变成 澳门真人
不用所有,隨機做就可以了,或者圖片轉跳也行,總之很多方法看你會示會玩。 666
pony 发表于 2018-5-11 22:11
马总你又调皮了,还不赶快去更新文章 只要有信仰, 一切皆为可能. 圖片連加入 AFF code ,一定賺到大笑:lol 黑心一点,等到后期 所有图片全部变成 澳门真人 yc009t这么大的流量自己不会转化吧 厉害啊,这么多流量 7TB带宽 挺屌的。