双e5620, 64gb 内存, 2tb 硬盘 $59/月
数量有限,先到先得!Dual Intel Xeon E5620 Quad Core - 2.40Ghz, 12M Cache, 5.86GT/s QPI, HyperThreading ----- 双e5620
64GBDDR3 ECC Registered x4 -----64GB 内存
2TB SATA 7,200RPM Enterprise HDD ------ 2TB硬盘
1U Supermicro Server – 4x Hot-Swap HDD Bays
Integrated IPMI, KVM over IP, Remote Power Control, and more
10TB Monthly Public Transfer
Unlimited Monthly Private Transfer
100Mbps Public Network Uplink
100Mbps Private Network Uplink
/29 IPv4 Allocation - 5 Usable IPs
/64 IPv6 Allocation - Millions of IPs
Private VLAN
Remote Reboot
INCLUDES: Noction Intelligent Routing Platform Enabled Network
INCLUDES: 3Gbps Detect & Mitigate QuadraNet VEST DDoS Protection
Location: Los Angeles
$59/month, $0 set up fee
购买请咨询qq 1784404240.
9c.cx 发表于 2019-8-4 09:03
请加qq 1784404240 咨询详情。 唉,便宜没好货,磁盘才50几M/s 4个1T组的hw raid 0 , 才170M, 石头盘 QN好多石头盘 hippo.t 发表于 2019-9-23 20:31
更多歇息请联系qq 1784404240。 这个配置很好啊