回复 20# 的帖子
是的,这个我也发现了,优惠只有第一次支付的时候才有,而且也是25%了。这家的不错你可以看下:http://hostloc.wiki/thread-308-1-1.html PING了下速度还不错,是新加坡Qala机房的应该.可是怕又被分配个被封IP的.独立IP好贵啊.5新币/月.
回复 22# 的帖子
帮人代购过2个,都是共享IP,还没有被封。 Good Evening,Please note, Your website has been reported to us by representatives in Singapore regarding a breach of copyright infringement.
We have reviewed your website and have come to the same conclusion regarding images and links to pirated Movies and illegal content.
Your account has been suspended and is pending termination as you have breached our Terms and Conditions which you approved when you first signed up with limebox.
Limebox Hosting Solutions Abuse Team.
回复 24# 的帖子
你可以问下客服是否可以先开通空间,然后把内容删除。不过看客服的语气基本是不可能了。 晕!新加坡电影版权也做的这么严重吗?都没做色情的呢就按你上面说的可以帮忙写封英语的邮件吗
回复 26# 的帖子
Can you open my webhosting and let me delete the related copyright things,OK? Good Morning,
We have received a formal complaint regarding illegal copyright content on your shared hosting environment. When this happens we must terminate the customer as its a serious breach of our Terms and conditions.
We will not be able to re-instate your hosting account, and we have terminated your billing contract with us.
We will keep a backup of your content online for you to download for 3 days. Please download as soon as possible.
Link below :.
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