这次的Godaddy优惠券Coupon也是超级优惠码,只要0.99美元就可注册一个域名。Godaddy 优惠券代码(Godaddy Promo Code): 99BUYCOM,想注册新域名的抓紧时间。
SPECIAL OFFER! $0.99 DOMAIN NAMES! Register or transfer any available .COM, .US, .MOBI, .BIZ, .NET or .ORG domain for just $0.99!*
Applies to the first year only of new or transfer registrations. This offer may not be used for renewals, bulk registrations, premium domains or Sunrise/Landrush domain registrations. Limited to one order per customer, expiring after 5,000 redemptions or on May 1st, 2009.
Discount will be reflected in your shopping cart; cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer or promotion. Customers may not use gift cards or PayPal® to redeem this offer.
Your discount will be applied in your shopping cart.
该 99BUYCOM 优惠券只适用于 Godaddy 的 .COM, .US, .MOBI, .BIZ, .NET 或 .ORG 新域名注册或域名转移,并且只能通过信用卡支付购买,不支持 godaddy gift card 及 PayPal 支付。囧。看来要赶快申请个信用卡了,PayPal 啥也申请个,再等良机。
如果你有信用卡,不要犹豫了,抓紧注册,这个 Godaddy 优惠券 Coupon 只优惠给前 5000 名注册用户,不管有没有5000 名用户注册完,5月1号截止。看来每次节假日要关注这方面的优惠信息。 |