本帖最后由 krazy176 于 2018-6-19 08:44 编辑
hi, I am a chinese(mainland Chinese), and I wonder if I can buy soyoustart servers? I want to backup some huge precious data in soyoustart.
Thank you
Hello Mister,
You want to buy a SoYouStart.
You can of course order a server, whatever your country
Thank you for your instant reply, you mean I can backup my precious data(about 1.9TB) in soyoustart? but when I create new account, the country list not contains "China" option, only "Hong Kong" is available. So what location should I select? thank you
Sorry, i make a mistake., you can order a SoYouStart server if you come from Hong-Kong but you can't if you can from China mainland.
I apologize for my wrong anwser.
那么问题来了,还有没有什么不限流量便宜可靠的大盘鸡,备份数据用,CPU、内存和硬盘IO有多垃圾都行,反正都是备份数据用 |