本帖最后由 malash 于 2022-7-16 18:21 编辑
[IMPORTANT] BE AWARE / ABUSE ALERT WHEN YOU PURCHASE G Suite/Workspace EDU/Google workspace education Super Admin
I spent $300 (¥1500) to purchase the Gsuite Education Lifetime Global Premium Super Admin from Telegram @torryer (HOSTLOC @gms) on 4th February. Afterwards, I found SUPER ADMIN AND ALL Members Accounts BANNED Since 14/05/2022, and the last successful login was in April.
The edu account is never served public, and it acts for my personal use. Indeed, I'm not starting using Google Mail and Google Drive because I want to wait until 1st July to confirm if Google will change Gdrive Space from Unlimited to 100TB. While I'm not starting "use" them, ALL accounts was banned after two months since I purchased.
After it happened, I tried to contact @torryer. However, he read and ignored my message. I haven't received any reply until today.
Purchase Google Workspace Education Super Admin Account is against Google Workspace for Education Terms of Service. Your account will be banned EVENTUALLY:
1. When actual schools start using Google Workspace Education: Google Security Department will find all the information @torryer provided is fake and involved in identity theft.
2. Another risk is NO AFTERSALE SERVICE PROVIDED AT ALL: instead of a refund, I want to request an appeal from Google and try to restore the account. I need some information from @torryer. He ignored my message since $300 (¥1500) was already in his pocket.
Thus, be CAREFUL when you purchase Google Workspace Education Account. It's a toy. Once suspended, you have no chance to access and migrate your data.
The Original Ads I found in hostloc, his account @gms :
https://hostloc.wiki/forum.php?mo ... 9%E8%82%B2%E7%89%88
@torryer owns the sites below:
https://store.163.al/ (G Store)
https://nanguo.in/shop (南国)