本帖最后由 Ricky.D. 于 2022-11-25 14:04 编辑
我这个是老账户,缴纳了设置费,之前开过三台机器(一直有一台在续费,不然我就新注册账号免设置费了),最开始的验证是我自己提交的材料,后来就不用再提交了,这次黑五的ovh ks买的14欧的机器,一直不给开。看邮件才发现有工单。
ovh.ie - https://www.ovh.ie
Unit 12 The Courtyard Building,
Carmanhall Road
Dublin 18
Dear customer,
Thank you for choosing OVHcloud.
At OVHcloud, the our customers' security is top priority, so we'd like to confirm some of the information you have provided during your recent purchase.
Before validating your order n°xxxxxxx, please provide the following documents in response to this email within seven days:
For an individual account:
- A document providing proof of your billing information (name and address) less than 3 months old, such as a bank statement or utilities invoice (electricity, gas, etc.).
- A copy (front and back) of a personal **-issued identity document (such as a passport, national identity card, or drivers license)
For an account in the name of a company, administration or association:
- A copy (front and back) of a personal **-issued identity document (such as a passport, national identity card, or drivers license)
- An extract from the company, trade or tax registry office, or any official document proving the existence of the organisational entity
If you are not mentioned on the register of the company, association or administration, a copy of the identity card of an individual listed in the relevant documentation as authorised to act on behalf of it.
To facilitate the validation process, please ensure the legibility of the documents attached to your response (black and white photocopies and files linked from external sharing websites cannot be accepted).
In the absence of a response within the next seven days, your order will expire and your payment authorisation will be cancelled automatically.
If you have any questions regarding this request, please either respond to this email or to the related support ticket in you your control panel: www.ovh.com/manager
The OVHCloud Team