本帖最后由 quyiqu 于 2017-3-24 09:41 编辑
virmach 512vps今天被暂停了,说是高IO
这个512洛杉矶kvm从刚买来就硬盘很卡很慢的,我只放了一个站在上面,流量只有几十个一天,攻击也应该没有的,他们家其它几个不是洛杉矶的1G,2Gram VPS,都没有提示高IO.
英文太渣, 看他们邮件要是回复他们的话,要回1,2,3,4,5,6的问题,
Your service has been suspended for using high levels of I/O for the third time in a week.
Previous warnings were sent about this matter.
While you have a dedicated amount of disk alloted to you that you may fully use, we limit the
operations on your disk to a fair share. Your service was recently found to be using high
levels of I/O, again. You must understand that your VPS is a virtual instance running on a
physical server with limited amounts of I/O shared across multiple users, which is why we
have this policy in place. Your service was found to be using an average of 206.29
transactions per second for multiple hours.
Our terms can be found at:
Please reply to this ticket with the following information so we can handle your abuse report
and see if it's possible to restore your service. Otherwise, your service will remain
suspended indefinitely and may be terminated and your account closed.
1. What were you running on your service?
2. Have you reviewed our terms of service and understand what is prohibited?
3. What steps will you take to prevent further abuse?
4. Do you know how to monitor your network usage, load, CPU usage, and I/O levels?
5. Have you already paid the administration fee associated with dealing with your abuse?
6. May we access your service and/or reset your service if a problem is found?
Please provide login information to access your service. |