FS#1297 - [DC2] Router upgrade Room 101 / Mise à jour routeur en Salle 101
A router upgrade is planned on June 28th 2:30PM CEST in DC2 - Room 101.
A 15min downtime is to be expected during the maintenance.
Une mise à jour du routeur est planifiée pour le Jeudi 28 Juin à 14h30 heure de Paris.
Un downtime d'environ 15 minutes est à prévoir pendant celle-ci.
Here is the list of affected racks / Liste des baies affectées :
Your server's network port is off
If you just asked for a server reboot, or to boot in rescue or test mode, this message will only be displayed for a few seconds.
Otherwise, our network equipment may be on protective mode due to non-authorized network traffic.
In this case, please ask our support team to unlock your server.