I know this is a little later than I said I would mention some of the updates, but the 1 unresolved bug allowing you to manage reverse DNS has now been resolved, so it's time to mention the other updates that have been implemented.
virtio - This one is huge. Anyone running Debian 6, your VPS will auto-detect it, so ask for it, tehre is nothing you need to prepar for, but to get the most benefit from it, you should be using ext4 as your filesystem, but I don't expect any trouble with ext3
Those using Debian 5, CentOS or other Operating Systems, with the exception of *BSD, I've made a short wiki page to prep your VPS for virtio, https://hostigation.com/wiki/index.php?title=KVM:CentOS
If you plan to do a fresh install for any reason, ask to have virtio enabled, all the linux distro's will see virtio during the install.
Again, to request virtio be enabled, submit a ticket at https://hostigation.com/billing/submitticket.php
不太懂,貌似是说要启用virtio的话,提交ticket给他?我的VPS: Debian 6 ext3,资料 6G 备份挺费时间,你们也有收到类似的邮件吗? |