楼主 |
发表于 2021-12-8 23:50:03
Previously, we sold the preferential price at a discount. Due to cost and other reasons, we adjusted the price. However, our cost-effective price is still very high.
Thank you!
By the way, it is very unreasonable to increase the price of the VPS for users who have already purchased, because users have to spend time to migrate their data from the server to another server. From my perspective, the increase of the price can only be targeted at new users. You can’t increase the price at will for users who have purchased it.
如果对已经购买的用户突然涨价是非常不合理的,因为用户又要花时间去迁移折腾,如果不迁移只能忍气吞声,这样做法和流氓没任何区别,涨价可以针对新购买用户,不能随意去涨价已购买的用户,正常的VPS提供商在做活动前就需要考虑到成本或计算好,随随便便做便宜活动然后又突然涨价已销售机器或者跑路,这都不是人干的事情。 |