Dear Provider,
I’m George Egri, the Co-Founder and CEO of BitNinja Server Security. I’m writing to inform you that we have detected malicious requests from the IP directed at our clients’ servers.
As a result of these attacks, we have added your IP to our greylist to prevent it from attacking our clients’ servers.
Servers are increasingly exposed as the targets of botnet attacks and you might not be aware that your server is being used as a “bot” to send malicious attacks over the Internet.
I've collected the 3 earliest logs below, and you can find the freshest 100, that may help you disinfect your server, under the link.
<pre style='padding:10px 20px; background:#e6e6e6;margin-bottom:10px'>Url: [stockphotoadviser.com/.env]
Headers: [array (
'BN-Client-Port' => '42270',
'Connection' => 'close',
'BN-TP-Proto' => 'https',
'Host' => 'stockphotoadviser.com',
'Accept-Encoding' => 'gzip',
'BN-Frontend' => 'waf-https',
'Referer' => 'https://stockphotoadviser.com/',
'BN-X-Forwarded-Port' => '',
'X-Forwarded-Port' => '443',
'BN-TP-Dstip' => '',
'User-Agent' => 'GoFrameHTTPClient v1.15.3',
'BN-X-Forwarded-Proto' => '',
'X-Forwarded-Proto' => 'https',
'BN-TP-Dstport' => '443',
'BN-X-Forwarded-For' => '',
Matched: [
ModSecurity id: [930130] revision [1]
msg [Restricted File Access Attempt]
match [Matched "Operator PmFromFile' with parameterrestricted-files.data' against variable REQUEST_FILENAME' (Value:/.env' )]
logdata [Matched Data: /.env found within REQUEST_FILENAME: /.env]
severity [CRITICAL]
Please keep in mind that after the first intrusion we log all traffic between your server and the BitNinja-protected servers until the IP is removed from the greylist. This means you may see valid logs beside the malicious actions in the link above. If you need help finding the malicious logs, please don’t hesitate to contact our incident experts by replying to this e-mail.
Thank you for helping us make the Internet a safer place!
George Egri
CEO at BitNinja.io
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